Cedric Bouzigues
Assistant professor Ecole Polytechnique
Room : 02-2012
Phone : 01 69 33 50 57
Research interests
- Nanoimaging and quantitative biology
- Microfluidics for cell biology
- Single molecule imaging for biochemistry and cell biology
- Ultra-sensitive in vitro detection of biomarkers
- Oxidative response imaging
- Organs-on-chip
- Experimental courses (MoDAL BIO471A: Ecole Polytechnique Year 2)
- Biophotonics and applications (BIO565: Ecole Polytechnique Year 3 / M1)
- Biophotonics (LOM Master 2)
Ecole Polytechnique engineer (X99)
PhD (2006, Interface physics-biology) (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
Habilitation à diriger des recherche (Université Paris-Sud, 2016)