François Hache

Director of the Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences
Directeur de Recherche (DRCE2) CNRS
Pièce : 02-2018
Tél : 01 69 33 50 39
francois.hache at
Conformational dynamics in biological molecules : time-resolved circular dichroism
- Silver medal CNRS 2011
- Professor in the Physics department at Ecole polytechnique
- Book Optique non linéaire (Savoirs actuels, CNRS-EDPSciences, 2016)
Professional activities
2015 – present : Associate professor at Ecole polytechnique
2011 – 2022: DR1 CNRS
2003 – 2015 : Junior professor at Ecole polytechnique
2002 – 2011 : DR2 CNRS
1991 – 1992 : Post-doctoral stay in IBM Research Center (San Jose - USA)
1992 – 2002 : CR1 CNRS
1988 – 1992 : CR2 CNRS
1986 – 1988 : PhD in physics
1997 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Université Paris XI)
1988 : PhD thesis (Université Paris XI)
1985 : Master in Atomic and Molecular physics (Université Paris XI).
1981 –1984 : Student at Ecole Polytechnique – Palaiseau, France
Research activities
2015-présent Study of DNA G-quadruplexes dynamics
2009-2014 Denaturation dynamics in proteins
2002-2008 Conformational dynamics by time-resolved circular dichroism
1997-2001 - Nonlinear optical properties of chiral molecules
- Optical limitation by nonlinear diffusion
1993-1996 Generation of ultrashort optical pulses in visible and IR range – Time-resolved spectroscopy of hydrogen bonds in liquid water (G. Gale's group).
1992 Study of photorefractive polymers (post-doctoral year, W.E. Moerner's group – IBM, San Jose, USA).
1988-1991 Nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor-doped glasses ( D. Ricard's group).
1986-1988 Nonlinear optical properties of gold nanoparticles (PhD work under the supervision of D. Ricard and C. Flytzanis).
Publications :
83 articles in international peer-reviewed journals
33 invited conferences
Web of Sciences: (2024): 134 publications, h-index = 35.