Jean-Christophe Lambry
INSERM Research Engineer
Office : 02-2013
Phone : +33 1 69 33 50 43
jean-christophe.lambry at
- Molecular dynamic simulations :
- hemoproteins (CooA, NOS, HNOX, myoglobin...)
- thymidylate synthase X
- zinc-phthalocyanin
- ZRR/PPST Responsible
- Assistant SSI correspondent
- INSERM EST referent (Ecological and Societal Transition)
Since 2001: INSERM Research Engineer at the Optics and Biosciences Laboratory
1997: PhD in Optics and Photonics (Université d'Orsay Paris XI)
1996: INSERM Research Engineer
1987: INSERM Study Engineer (U451) at the Applied Optics Laboratory
1986: DEA in Optics and Photonics (University of Orsay Paris XI)
1982: BTS in Physics at ENCPB
1980: Technician's baccalaureate F5 (Physics) à l'ENCPB