
Copie de ANR Project TeraCellATR - ANR-22-CE42-0018

Link to ANR Project TeraCellATR - ANR-22-CE42-0018

Terahertz ATR Sensor for real-time study of cell membrane permeabilization

Objective and main issues

Based on a two-year ongoing collaboration between LOB and IMRCP, this project aims at designing routine terahertz sensors for real-time quantification on cell membrane exchanges in a parallel manner, in a long-term cell-culture compatible environment. It will be confronted to classical end-point standard biology experiments to monitor plasma membrane integrity. The project relies on the already implemented terahertz device and on preliminary results on cells submitted to photodynamic therapy. A great deal of effort is still required to reach our goal and propose relevant opportunities in biology: long term stability, reduction of volume and parallelisation. Our guideline will be a constant comparison of plasma membrane integrity assessment using the terahertz sensor and standard biological techniques, to evaluate the complementarity brought by the terahertz sensor, on two main axes: in contact with macromolecules (polymer nanovectors or proteins) and in the frame of oxidative stress.



The LOB (Laboratory of Optics and Biosciences) is a joint CNRS - INSERM - Ecole Polytechnique research unit in Palaiseau working at the interface between physics and biology. The Terahertz team develops new tools to study biological systems using terahertz radiation.

The IMRCP (Molecular Interactions and Chemical and Photochemical reactivities) laboratory is a mixed CNRS – Toulouse University research unit, specialized on soft matter. The IDeAS team (Dynamical Interfaces and Stimuli-responsive assemblies) working on TeraCellATR project focuses on the design and characterization of smart materials based on self-assembled or nanostructured systems.



"Terahertz Spectroscopy Sheds Light on Real-Time Exchange Kinetics Occurring through Plasma Membrane during Photodynamic Therapy Treatment"
X. Zheng, B. Lordon, A.-F. Mingotaud, P. Vicendo, R. Brival, I. Fourquaux, L. Gibot, and G. Gallot
Adv. Sci. 2300589 (2023). LINK