An Overview of data science uses in bioimage informatics
- Chessel Anatole
DOI : 10.1016/j.ymeth.2016.12.014 -
A novel microstructural interpretation for the biomechanics of mouse skin derived from multiscale characterization
- Lynch Barbara
- Bancelin Stéphane
- Bonod-Bidaud Christelle
- Gueusquin Jean-Baptiste
- Ruggiero Florence
- Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire
- Allain Jean-Marc
DOI : 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.12.051 -
Life-Long Neurogenic Activity of Individual Neural Stem Cells and Continuous Growth Establish an Outside-In Architecture in the Teleost Pallium
- Furlan Giacomo
- Cuccioli Valentina
- Vuillemin Nelly
- Dirian Lara
- Muntasell Anna Janue
- Coolen Marion
- Dray Nicolas
- Bedu Sébastien
- Houart Corinne
- Beaurepaire Emmanuel
- Foucher Isabelle
- Bally-Cuif Laure
DOI : 10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.052 -
Physical limits of flow sensing in the left-right organizer
- Ferreira Rita R.
- Vilfan Andrej
- Julicher Frank
- Supatto Willy
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DOI : 10.7554/eLife.25078 -
Structural changes and picosecond to second dynamics of cytochrome c in interaction with nitric oxide in ferrous and ferric redox states
- Kruglik Sergei
- Yoo Byung-Kuk
- Lambry Jean-Christophe
- Martin Jean-Louis
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DOI : 10.1039/C7CP02634J -
Stabilization of Collagen Fibrils by Gelatin Addition: A Study of Collagen/Gelatin Dense Phases
- Portier François
- Teulon Claire
- Nowacka-Perrin Agnieszka
- Guenneau Flavien
- Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire
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DOI : 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02142 -
Fast quantitative ROS detection based on dual-color single rare-earth nanoparticle imaging reveals signaling pathway kinetics in living cells
- Abdesselem M.
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DOI : 10.1039/C6NR07413H -
Affine kinematics in planar fibrous connective tissues: an experimental investigation
- Jayyosi Charles
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- Ducourthial Guillaume
- Bonod-Bidaud Christelle
- Lynch Barbara
- Bancelin Stéphane
- Ruggiero Florence
- Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Bruyère-Garnier Karine
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DOI : 10.1007/s10237-017-0899-1 -
Polarization-resolved Second Harmonic Imaging of collagen organization in connective tissues - Application to biomechanics
- Teulon Claire
- Latour Gaël
- Gusachenko Ivan
- Ducourthial Guillaume
- Bancelin Stéphane
- Bonod-Bidaud Christelle
- Ruggiero Florence
- Affagard Jean-Sébastien
- Lynch Barbara
- Benoit Aurélie
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire
DOI : 10.1364/NTM.2017.NW3C.2 -
Stromal striae: a new insight into corneal physiology and mechanics
- Grieve Kate
- Ghoubay Djida
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- Latour Gaël
- Nahas Amir
- Plamann Karsten
- Crotti Caroline
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DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-13194-6 -
Ultrafast photochemistry of the bc 1 complex
- Vos Marten H.
- Reeder Brandon J.
- Daldal Fevzi
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DOI : 10.1039/C7CP00193B -
Ultra-wide range field-dependent measurements of the relaxivity of Gd1−xEuxVO4 nanoparticle contrast agents using a mechanical sample-shuttling relaxometer
- Chou Ching-Yu
- Abdesselem Mouna
- Bouzigues Cedric
- Chu Minglee
- Guiga Angelo
- Huang Tai-Huang
- Ferrage Fabien
- Gacoin Thierry
- Alexandrou Antigoni
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DOI : 10.1038/srep44770 -
Correction: Ultrafast photochemistry of the bc 1 complex
- Vos Marten H.
- Reeder Brandon J.
- Daldal Fevzi
- Liebl Ursula
DOI : 10.1039/C7CP90057K -
Microscopie de fluorescence et pince optique : dispositifs optiques pour l’étude de processus biologiques à l’échelle d’un système unique
- Barbier Nathalie
- Fiszman Nicolas
- Bugaud Olivier
- Chommy Hélène
- Namy Olivier
- Gillant Flavie
- Moreau Julien
- Richly Maximilian U.
- Alexandrou Antigoni
- Westbrook Nathalie
- Perronet Karen