Chiara Stringari
Research scientist - CNRS
Room: 84-2017, 02-2016
chiara.stringari at
Current research activity
• Advanced microscopies & tissue physiology
→ FLIM-based metabolic imaging
→ Label-free THG microscopy

Selected publications
Modeling and predicting second-harmonic generation from protein molecular structure
B. Asadipour, E. Beaurepaire, X. Zhang, A. Chessel, P. Mahou, W. Supatto, M.-C. Schanne-Klein, C. Stringari
Physical Review X (2024)
Emerging Functional Connections Between Metabolism and Epigenetic Remodeling in Neural Differentiation
E. Sánchez-Ramírez, TPL. Ung, C. Stringari, L. Aguilar-Arnal
Molecular Neurobiology (2024)
Multiplexed orthogonal polarizations harmonic imaging for probing dynamic biological processes
M. Gleeson, S. Escot, X. Solinas, B. Asadipour, W. Supatto, P. Mahou, C. Stringari, E. Beaurepaire
ACS Photonics (2024).
Label-free imaging of red blood cells and oxygenation with color third-order sum-frequency generation microscopy
J. Ferrer Ortas, P. Mahou, S. Escot, C. Stringari, N. B. David, L. Bally-Cuif, N. Dray, M. Négrerie, W. Supatto, E. Beaurepaire
Light: Science & Applications (2023).
Third harmonic imaging contrast from tubular structures in the presence of index discontinuity
J. Morizet, N. Olivier, P. Mahou, A. Boutillon, C. Stringari, E. Beaurepaire
Scientific Reports (2023).
FLUTE: A Python GUI for interactive phasor analysis of FLIM data
D. Gottlieb, B. Asadipour, P. Kostina, T.P.L. Ung, C. Stringari
Biological Imaging (2023)
Label-free single-cell live imaging reveals fast metabolic switch in T lymphocytes
N. Paillon, TPL. Ung, S. Dogniaux, C. Stringari, C. Hivroz
Mol Biol Cell (2023)
Coordinated metabolic transitions and gene expression by NAD+ during adipogenesis
E. Sánchez-Ramírez, T.P.L. Ung, A. Alarcón del Carmen, X. del Toro-Ríos, G.R. Fajardo-Orduña, L.G. Noriega, V.A. Cortés-Morales, A.R. Tovar, J.J. Montesinos, R. Orozco-Solís, C. Stringari, L. Aguilar-Arnal, J Cell Biol (2022)
Simultaneous NAD(P)H and FAD fluorescence lifetime microscopy of long UVA–induced metabolic stress in reconstructed human skin
T.P.L. Ung, S. Lim, X. Solinas, P. Mahou, A. Chessel, C. Marionnet, T. Bornschlögl, E. Beaurepaire, F. Bernerd, A.-M. Pena, C. Stringari, Scientific Reports (2021)
Modeling nonlinear microscopy near index-mismatched interfaces
J. Morizet, G. Sartorello, N. Dray, C. Stringari, E. Beaurepaire, N. Olivier
Optica (2021).
High-speed polarization-resolved third-harmonic microscopy
J. Morizet, G. Ducourthial, W. Supatto, A. Boutillon, R. Legouis, M.-C. Schanne-Klein, C. Stringari, E. Beaurepaire
Optica (2019).
Multicolor two-photon imaging of endogenous fluorophores in living tissues by wavelength mixing C. Stringari, L. Abdeladim, G. Malkinson, P. Mahou, X. Solinas, I. Lamarre, S. Brizion, J.-B. Galey, W. Supatto, R. Legouis, A.-M. Pena, E. Beaurepaire, Scientific Reports (2017)
Phasor approach to fluorescence lifetime microscopy distinguishes different metabolic states of germ cells in a live tissue. Stringari C., Cinquin A., Cinquin O., Digman MA., Donovan P., Gratton E. PNAS (2011)