PhD & Master internships
PhD and Master internship proposals are generally advertized between October and March. For inquiries about the current possibilities, you can also contact LOB scientists.
Master/PhD proposals 2025:
(data sience) Quantitative imaging for developmental neurobiology (A. Chessel)
Multiscale mid-infrared femtosecond spectroscopy in proteins (A. Bonvalet, M. Joffre)
Multicontrast 3-photon microscopy for in-depth imaging of brain and developing tissue (E Beaurepaire)
Nonlinear optical microscopy of nervous tissue: lipid and metabolism imaging (C. Stringari, E. Beaurepaire)
Numerical simulations of pSHG microscopy in cornea (N Olivier, MC Schanne-Klein)
Polarization-resolved SHG for the investigation of collagen degradation in parchments (G Latour, MC Schanne-Klein)
Sensitive and portable detection of nucleic acids in vitro through luminescent nanoparticle imaging:
towards a new generation of diagnostic tests (C. Bouzigues, A. Alexandrou)
Past master internship proposals (2023-2024):
Development of single-shot balanced detection for femtosecond circular dichroism (P. Changenet, F. Hache)
Femtosecond two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy in CO2 and in hemoglobin (M. Joffre)
Polarization-resolved second harmonic structural imaging of collagen remodeling (M.C. Schanne-Klein / G. Latour)