

Postdoc opportunities:

(10/2024) Postdoc position: Modeling/simulation in developmental neurobiology. The Advanced Microscopy Group is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on computer simulations of the development of connections in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), a mouse auditory relay, in the context of an ANR-funded project. Job description: here. Please send your CV and contact Anatole Chessel for further information.

For inquiries about ongoing projects and opportunities to join us, please contact the scientists in charge by email.

General information. The interdisciplinary Laboratory of Optics and Biosciences (LOB) is affiliated with the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Ecole Polytechnique. The laboratory employs researchers with expertise in physics, optics, data science, molecular and developmental biology with the aim of fostering the emergence of new concepts and tools, in particular for understanding the function and organization of proteins in cells and tissues. The LOB runs interdisciplinary research currently involving more than 50 people of different nationalities and is committed to gender equality.